How To create an iptv m3u playlist in 2022

How To create an iptv m3u playlist in 2022

 Today in this post I will share With You How to create IPTV m3u playlist. This article is very helpful for you to make your own IPTV playlist here I will share info about 3 ways to make your own IPTV m3u files.

create an iptv m3u playlist

Method 1.

How to create M3U file in Notepad

we talk first of all How to create your own M3U file for IPTV with Notepad yes you can also make an m3u file with your notepad so now let's learn this.

Step 1

Start Notepad software in pc/Laptop. Press "CTRL+O," select your text file, and then click on "Open."

Step 2. Type #EXTM3U And Enter 2 Time

Step 3. Type #EXTINF:-1,Channel Name 

channel url 

Example :-



Step 4. If you want channel into category then follow type this :- #EXTINF:-1 group-title="enter category name",Channel Name

Example :-

#EXTINF:-1 group-title="News",AAJ TAK


Step 5

Click "File" and then select "Save As." Choose an appropriate location for your file and enter your preferred file name. Don't forget to include the Name of the ".m3u" file extension.

Step 6

Click the drop-down menu And Click"Save as file type" and then choose "All Files." Click on "Save."

Method 2.

How to Create M3U file from URL online

the second method to make Create M3U file online is just to follow this step.

Step 2. Type #EXTM3U And Enter 2 Time

Step 3. Type #EXTINF:-1,Channel Name 

channel url 

Example :-



Step 4. If you want channel into category then follow type this :- #EXTINF:-1 group-title="enter category name",Channel Name


#EXTINF:-1 group-title="News",AAJ TAK

Step 5. After making list now select.m3u and click the convert button

step 5. Now your playlist is complete now Save as .m3u button to save m3u playlist in your pc/laptop

Method 3.

How to Create m3u file on an Android phone

Step1. Download Text editor apk on your android mobile

Step 2. Open Text Editor app

Step 3. Click New File

Step 4. Type #EXTM3U And Enter 2 Time

Step 5. Type #EXTINF:-1,Channel Name 

                             channel url 

Example :-



Step 6 If you want channel into category then follow type this :- #EXTINF:-1 group-title="enter category name",Channel Name


#EXTINF:-1 group-title="News",AAJ TAK


so you can make those of channel m3u link on following these steps

So I hope you all like this post if you have any questions then comments below